Compendium of Electricity Regulations of South Asian Countries

Volume-1: (Afghanistan, Bangladesh & Bhutan)

The regulatory bodies for electricity industry in South Asia coordinate / co-operate with each other through multiple forms such as SAARC Council of Experts of Energy Regulators –Electricity (CEERE) and South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR). The cooperation assumes more importance in the backdrop of signing of the SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity) by SAARC member states on November 2014.The framework agreement emphasized the need to promote regional power trade, for which some level of regulatory harmonization among the countries will be ideal. For a meaningful discussion on sharing of best practices, regulatory harmonization, and design of mutually compatible frameworks for cross border electricity trade (CBET), the stakeholders should have knowledge of the regulatory regime for electricity of other countries in the SAARC region also. However, the relevant regulations are spread across multiple websites, and evening multiple languages. It is in such a context that the ‘SAARC compendium of electricity regulations’ is compiled.
