Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Achieving the Target of Renewable Energy based Power Generation by 2041 – Scopes and Way-forward

Bangladesh aims to gradually reduce its dependence on fossil fuels in all kinds of economic activities as part of its global and national commitments. Since the power sector is one of the most important carbon-emitters given its over-dependence on fossil-fuels as fuel-mix, it is important to strategise, plan and thereby implement gradual reduction of the share of fossil-fuel in power generation. A major step will be to increase the share of alternate energy – renewable energy (RE) in power generation and thereby develop the transmission and distribution related energy infrastructure. Though the share of renewable energy in power generation energy-mix is very low (4.5 per cent), the government’s plan to reach 40 per cent RE by 2041 through gradual phase out of existing fossil fuel-based power plants and establishing new RE-based power plants. 

Authors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem and ASM Shamim Alam Shibly
Publication Period: April 2024
