Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Identifying the Alternative Narrative of LNG Dominated Energy-Mix for the Power Sector

This study addresses the critical issue of Bangladesh’s pursuit of sustained and secure energy amidst its transition from a Least Developed Country (LDC) after 2026 and become a middle-income nation by 2050. The country has committed to different national and international platforms towards a substantial shift to renewable energy, aiming for 40% of its energy mix to be renewable by 2041, yet it is increasingly relying on expensive LNG-based power generation. The associated costs and impacts of this reliance on LNG, including economic, environmental, and social aspects, are examined’.

Publication Period: July 2023
Authors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Rafat Alam, Moumita A. Mallick and ASM Shamim Alam Shibly

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