Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Currents of Change [Brief-04] Quarterly Brief of the Power & Energy Sector of Bangladesh

The government has approved the national budget FY2024-25 of Bangladesh on 30 June 2024 with the allocation of BDT 30,317 crore for the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MoPEMR), which is 3.8% of FY25 total budget

Both the highest power generation (16,477 MW) and lowest power generation (4,554 MW) have been recorded during this quarter against the total generation capacity of 28,098 MW (on-grid and off-grid)

A very high volatility has been observed in case of daily power generation cost due to the volatility of the fuel price in international market Gradual rise of LNG usage which reached its peak (936.3 mmcfd), to as high as 40% of the total domestic gas supply

The progress of renewable energy-based power plant has not witnessed any significant
improvement from during this quarter. A total of seven renewable energy-based power plants (361.55 MW) that were supposed to be commercially operational in the FY24 are delayed.

Authors: Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Helen Mashiyat Preoty, Jebunnesa and Faisal Quaiyyum
Publication Period: August 2024
